When is it time?
A difficult and important decision

Euthanizing a beloved animal is one of the most difficult decisions an owner has to make. One wants to be sure that it is the right time. Finding answers to the following questions can be helpful: Does the animal still have quality of life? Can it move without great pain? Does it still enjoy eating and playing? Does it still take part in family life and does it usually seem relaxed? Does it suffer? A pain questionnaire and pain diaries can be useful. For professional advice, your vet of trust or me are happy to help.
Frequently asked questions
When is it time
I need more time
If you are not yet ready to consider euthanasia your four-legged friend, you may want to learn more about the possibilities of Palliative Care. As long as the well-being of your animal is guaranteed by these treatments, we can try to give you the time you need to be sure of your decision.