What is acupuncture?
According to the Chinese conception, the body is traversed by "energy paths", the "meridians". The energy flow on these paths can be regulated at the acupuncture points. As is known today, there is a greater accumulation of nerves and blood vessels at these points, which explains the effect of acupuncture according to Western criteria. In the meantime, there is a multitude of studies that prove the effect of acupuncture, as it has been traditionally practiced for thousands of years.
By stimulating an acupuncture point with a needle or laser, electrical signals are transmitted, which leads to the release of the body's own pain-relieving messenger substances (so-called endogenous opioids and beta-endorphins). The pain is blocked. Local blood flow is stimulated, which improves healing. The immune system is stimulated, as acupuncture can also activate T-cell lymphocytes and increase the white blood cell count.
In acupuncture, there are different techniques such as dry needle acupuncture, electroacupuncture and aquapuncture. The dry needle technique involves inserting an acupuncture needle into an acupuncture point to stimulate it. This is the most common method used in veterinary medicine. In electroacupuncture, electrical leads are attached to the needles and connected to an electroacupuncture machine. This intensifies the stimulation of the acupuncture point. Aquapuncture is the injection of a sterile fluid into acupuncture points. The resulting pressure is intended to prolong the stimulation of the point. Saline solution or vitamin B12 are most commonly used for this purpose.
Acupuncture in veterinary medicine
Acupuncture can be used to treat a variety of conditions. It can be used for various painful conditions: chronic lameness, degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), spinal disorders and colic. Acupuncture is a valuable treatment method especially for chronic diseases, complementary or alternative to conventional medicine.
Acupuncture in geriatrics and palliative veterinary medicine
Our old furries suffer from a variety of ailments and chronic diseases that limit their quality of life. Some of these patients are also too weak to undergo conventional therapy and therefore need an alternative treatment that is safe and effective. Acupuncture can effectively treat geriatric patients and improve their quality of life. Acupuncture helps with generalized pain, osteoarthritis, muscle breakdown, and hindlimb weakness. It is a valuable component of multimodal pain management. It can reduce or replace the use of pain medications.
Is acupuncture safe for animals?
Acupuncture is a very safe therapy. Nevertheless, there are cases in which special caution is required or acupuncture should not be used. Therefore, it should only be performed by a specialist, e.g. by veterinarians who have completed an internationally recognized training in acupuncture (e.g. from IVAS or CHI Institute).
Possible areas of application especially for our elderly patients:
- Degenerative joint diseases/arthrosis
- Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia (HD/ED)
- Intervertebral disc disease
- chronic kidney disease
- supportive in heart failure
- supportive in tumor diseases
- Gastrointestinal diseases such as chronic diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic constipation and megacolon, vomiting, chronic stomach disease (e.g. gastritis), loss of appetite
- Immunodeficiency
- Seizure disorders/ epilepsy
- general weakness
- vestibular diseases ("Schlägli")
- Degenerative myelopathy
- chronic asthma
- chronic ear infections
- nocturnal restlessness
- etc.